Communicating with Diverse Audiences Online

The United States population is increasingly diverse. People of different ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, religious affiliations, and geographical origins are working together to make our nation stronger and more resilient. Given the broad spectrum of human experience in the modern world, digital communications initiatives must reflect diverse target audiences to be truly effective. Communications and marketing initiatives that demonstrate an awareness and appreciation of our diverse communities will yield better outcomes than poorly-researched, exclusive outreach that fails to engage the modern user. 

The demographics and psychographics of our communities are rapidly changing. Generation Z - the youngest cohort of American adults - is the most ethnically and racially diverse generation in United States history. Organizations that prioritize diversity, equity, inclusivity, and accessibility (DEIA) in communications will develop a sustainable competitive advantage with their space. Government agencies and nonprofit organizations that utilize digital communications to connect with the public must incorporate DEIA practices into their digital outreach efforts to ensure optimal effectiveness and engagement. 

Here are a few tips for organizations dedicated to communicating with diverse audiences online:

Get to know your target audiences. 

Target audiences are not made up of people that are just like you. Diversity within target audiences exists, and organizational leaders should prioritize getting to know these populations, recognizing differences in background, experience, and perspective. Understanding the intricacies of people that share common interests and needs can help improve the effectiveness of your communications and outreach initiatives. When organizations have a clear understanding of their target audiences from both a demographic and psychographic perspective, they can improve the performance of marketing campaigns through increased community engagement. 

Prioritize inclusive, plain language.

The way we say things impacts what message is perceived by the audience. When communicating with diverse audiences, it’s essential to recognize that culture-specific jargon and metaphors can lead to miscommunication in the physical and digital environment. Writing blog posts, e-newsletters, and social media captions in Plain Language can help improve communication effectiveness across diverse audiences. Be concise and straightforward, while considering ways organizational communication could promote inclusivity across the community. 

Consider the diversity of representation. 

What creative assets are being utilized for your organization’s online communications? Are people from a variety of different backgrounds portrayed in social media photos and videos? Diversity of representation includes diverse traits, such as age, ethnicity and race, gender, disability status, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, military/veteran status, etc. When selecting creative assets such as photos and video footage, communications and marketing professionals should evaluate the diversity of representation. People are more likely to connect with advertising and outreach initiatives that accurately portray themselves, their families, and their communities. Consider presenting selected creative assets to diverse focus groups, and ask for feedback.

Practice active, empathetic listening in the digital space. 

When communicating with diverse audiences online, organizations need to practice active, empathetic listening. Offer audiences an opportunity to provide feedback through social media messaging, email addresses, or online surveys. Listen to target audience conversations regarding their current concerns, needs, and objectives. When soliciting feedback from diverse audiences, communications and marketing professionals should establish a safe digital space where empathy and inclusivity are fostered. This information can help the organization improve not only its outreach initiatives but also its offerings and operations as well. 

Evaluate campaign accessibility across all technological platforms. 

Communications accessibility is an all-too-often under-discussed topic of diverse audience outreach. Just because something is posted or published online doesn’t mean that it is accessible to people living with disabilities. While some digital platforms provide assistive technology, this feature availability is inconsistent and often requires additional measures on the communications front. Evaluate your organization’s social media content accessibility, and prioritize continuous improvement in accessibility across all information and communication channels. Additionally, check out our webinar on Section 508 Compliance for more insights into how you can improve communication accessibility and strengthen your connections with diverse audiences. 

Learn more about communicating with diverse audiences:

If your organization is looking for a creative partner to provide marketing and PR services, Becker Digital is always ready to help. Our team of experienced professionals is available for projects large and small. We work to customize our services to the client’s needs. Contact us to schedule a complimentary call and learn more about how digital strategy can enhance your organization’s mission.  


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