Marketing to Generation Z

Marketing to Generation Z (Gen Z) is a daunting task, as Gen Z hates (and rarely responds to) marketing. Online advertisements, TV commercials, and even celebrity endorsements tend to fall short of getting Gen Z consumers’ attention. Born between 1997 and 2012, Gen Z has little to no memory of a world without a steady stream of sales-focused promotions, and they are incredibly skilled at tuning all things advertising out.  

How does Generation Z differ from Millennials?

While similar in many ways to their older siblings, the Millennials, Gen Z consumers are emerging as a distinct generation characterized by cohort-specific behaviors and preferences. In Gen Z vs. Millennials: Generational Similarities and Differences, we discussed the multiple ways in which the two generations approached brand relationships and purchasing decisions. Gen Z differed from Millennials in their social media platform of choice, tech usage, and brand loyalty. 

Understanding who Gen Z is, how they think, and what they want can help today’s organizations remain relevant in a rapidly changing, digitally-driven world. 

Here are five facts about marketing to Generation Z:

  • Generation Z is on track to be the most ethnically diverse generation in American history.

  • 98% of Gen Zers own a smartphone, and nearly half of the generation spends more than 10 hours a day on their mobile devices.  

  • Current college enrollment rates suggest that Generation Z will be the most educated generation. 43% of Gen Zers have at least one parent with a bachelor's degree or more, compared with 32% of Millennials and 23% of Gen Xers.

  • The average attention span for a member of Gen Z is 8 seconds - a short amount of time for brands to connect and make a sale. 

  • Gen Zers grew up in wealthier households than their predecessors - the Millennials - an experience that was influenced by macroeconomic cycles. 

4 Tips for Marketing to Generation Z:

Prioritize the Gen Z-friendly social media platforms.

Gen Z is very active online, spending more time on mobile devices than any other generation. Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube are reported to be the top three favorite social media apps of Generation Z, probably due to the app’s ephemeral content and mobile-friendly experience. Additionally, the high concentration of similarly aged users helps keep the user’s experience fairly consistent. Prioritizing organizational presence on these Gen Z-friendly social media apps is critical for brands seeking a piece of the youthful consumer pie. 

Generation Z loves video content.

According to MediaKix, 71 percent of Generation Z watches more than three hours of video online every day. Social media apps, like YouTube, that easily integrate video content are favorites among this generation. 96 percent of Gen Zers routinely consume YouTube content, and the app is reported to reach more 18- to 34-year-olds than any traditional television network in the United States. Organizations interested in connecting with Gen Z should identify ways in which they can integrate branded video into their communications strategy. 

Traditional advertisements won’t reach Gen Z. 

Traditional advertisements - billboards, commercials, mailers, print ads - are often tuned out by Gen Z consumers who are accustomed to sifting through overly commercialized content in search of authentic experiences. More than half of Gen Zers online utilize some form of ad-blocking software to avoid spamming. They favor genuine accounts over salesmanship, with 67% of Generation Z acknowledging their preference for seeing “real people”- not models -  in advertisements. Such predilections have given rise to the multi-billion dollar industry of influencer marketing - a rather novel advertising technique that delivers sponsored content through peer influencers with engaged social media followings. 

Content marketing and SEO strategies are still really important. 

Organizations can connect with Gen Zers through content marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) strategies, as Generation Z conducts more Google searches than any other age group. True digital natives, Gen Z is quick to seek out information (typically from a mobile device) with the goal of making an informed decision. Content marketing strategies, coupled with well-placed sponsored posts, can position brands to capture the interest of the 20 and under crowd. Remember to be concise, entertaining, and genuine when crafting Gen Z-friendly content, as you only have a few seconds to garner their favor in the form of attention and potential patronage. 

Is your organization ready to market to Gen Z?

Generation Z is expected to be a major player throughout the 21st century. By the year 2020, Gen Zers will make up 40 percent of consumers in the United States. While Gen Z is smaller in numbers than Millennials, they are expected to wield sizable purchasing power for decades to come. Their timely entrance into our post-technology world has resulted in a distinct paradigm that drives Gen Z’s consumer behavior, much of which differs from that observed with previous generations. Recognizing the generational differences that exist among today’s consumers can help organizations improve their digital initiatives. 

For more information on Gen Z Marketing:

Is your organization in need of a creative partner to assist with the development of a Gen Z-friendly strategy? Contact Becker Digital to schedule a Discovery Call and discuss customized digital outreach opportunities for your organization. Also, check out Becker Digital’s Marketing to Generation Z webinar for more insight.


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